Friday, May 27, 2011




That cannot be removed, washed away, or erased.

These pens ink is said to be indelible. This explains the sticker in the front of the package that reads "Helps Prevent Check Fraud." I actually own these pens and let me say they are pretty nice pens. ;)




A state of deep distress or misery caused by major misfortune or loss.

The tsunami that hit Japan was a calamity. Everything was ruined, people were killed, and people were left homeless.


noun\ə-ˈtri-shən, a-\

A reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength.

Despite this amazing dunk and an overall performance by Derrick Rose from the Chicago Bulls his statistics in the playoffs were an attrition compared to the regular season.




: Sharply painful.
: Having a stiff and sharp point.

These pencils are pungent. I don't know why but I like sharp pencils; I don't like to sharpen them though. Then again I don't really use wooden pencils, I like to stick to my mechanical pencils.




A state of being laughed at or ridiculed.

I know for a fact that if these two kids were at Waukegan High School there would be in a derision. i love Napoleon Dynamite! Some people think the movie is really stupid but I think its freaking hilarious.



noun\ˌprē-mə-ˈni-shən, ˌpre-\

Previous notice or warning : forewarning.

Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) from the show "Charmed" (a show about witches) got premonitions that would tell her and her sisters where to go to find the Demon they were after. Pretty handy power if you ask me. And yes I did watch this show. And yes I am a guy. -.-



adj\im-ˈfa-tik, em-\

: Uttered with or marked by emphasis.
: Tending to express oneself in forceful speech or to take decisive action.
: Attracting special attention.

The man in the cartoon is being emphatic, he's obviously trying to attract attention; I mean who goes around with their arms up?




Not affected by or showing passion or feeling; especially :firmly restraining response to pain or distress.

This man had a stoic expression on his face when his team the Los Angeles Lakers were swept in the 2011 playoffs by the Dallas Mavericks. I would have been pissed!




A person who gives opinions in an authoritative manner usually through the mass media; a critic.

In the movie "Ratatouille" Ego (above) is a pundit who goes to all the restaurants and gives them reviews (usually bad ones.) BUT Remy cooks him up something special and Ego is reminded of his childhood. He loves the plate and gives Remy and his restaurant an amazing review.



noun\ˈprō-tə-ˌzhā, ˌprō-tə-ˈ\

One who is protected or trained, one whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence.

Daniel LaRusso is Mr. Miyagi's protege in the hit movie "The Karate Kid." I love this movie! NOT the newer version with Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan. -___-




An imaginary and indefinitely remote place.

The people in "The Giver" live in an utopian society or utopia. I don't think I could live there, the people are too weird...



adj \ˈa-(ˌ)flü-ənt also a-ˈflü- or ə-\

Having a generously sufficient and typically increasing supply of material possessions.

Donald Trump is more affluent than most men his age. He's got it all. He's got racks on racks on racks on racks.



adj\pri-ˈsē-dənt, ˈpre-sə-dənt\

Prior in time, order, arrangement, or significance.

Even if the Chicago Bulls would have won yesterday it would of been extremely hard to win the series against the Miami Heat due to precedent games that Miami had won.




To place something at intervals or among other things.

Sticky notes were interspersed throughout my book. The sticky notes were filled with glorious and deeply thought out annotations; just like Ms. Schultz likes them. ;)




Conspire; Plot.

In Rome Cassius, Brutus, & their followers colluded to kill Julius Caesar. Poor Caesar was outnumbered and there was nothing he could do. The worst part was that Brutus, Caesars right hand man had betrayed him.




To affirm to be true or genuine; specifically : to authenticate by signing as a witness.

In the show "Pawn Stars" people are always bringing Rick old stuff that could be very valuable BUT at times it is risky for Rick to buy things when there are a lot of fakes made. Because of all the fakes, Rick gets the items attested to make sure they are REAL.



noun\ˈen-ˌklāv, ˈän-ˌklāv\

A distinct territorial, cultural, or social unit enclosed within or as if within foreign territory.

The very popular game "Fallout 3" takes place in an enclave. In the game you travel to through a wasteland filled with mutants and monsters, all who became who they are due to a nuclear war.


adj \ˈrü-fəl\

Exciting pity or sympathy.

You can see the rueful face of MVP Derrick Rose after last nights loss. Watching him blame himself made me feel bad, I mean it wasn't just his fault; it was the whole team.




A person who deserts a party or cause for another.

The young man became a renegade when he left the Democratic Party because he didn't like being represented by a donkey. -.-




Of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time.

A pair of OG Air Jordan V’s from 1990.

The freshly released Jordan V's Wolf Grey.

The newly released Jordan V's archaic style resembles that of the 1990 OG Air Jordan V's. HOT! I didn't get the chance to get the Wolf Grey V's. :(



adj\ˈth, ˈlīth\

Easily bent or flexed.

I used to love these toys! The lithe arms and legs of these toys are meant to be bent and stretched. Simple toys but lots of fun.



noun \tə-ˈna-sə-tē\

The quality or state of being tenacious.
Tenacious means; persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.

Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny Poster

In the movie "Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny" naive Midwesterner JB bonds with local slacker KG and they form the rock band Tenacious D. Setting out to become the world's greatest band is no easy feat, so they set out to steal what could be the answer to their prayers --a magical guitar pick housed in a rock-and-roll museum some 300 miles away.

I'm not exactly sure how to use the word 'tenacity' but it does mean the quality or state of being tenacious. Tenacious means seeking something valued or desired & in the movie the band is seeking a magical guitar pic that could solve all of their problems.

I'm a give it a try... The band's tenacity was because of the guitar pic they felt they needed.



noun \kə-ˌpi-chə-ˈlā-shən\

: A set of terms or articles constituting an agreement between governments.
: The act of surrendering or yielding.

The terms for capitulation were to be discussed at this meeting. The man is signing the agreement. I don't know who these guys are but they look like soldiers to me. ^.^



adj \ˈpa-lə-tə-bəl\

: Agreeable to the palate or taste.
: Agreeable or acceptable to the mind.

All of the food in the buffet was so palatable that I ate and ate until I felt like I was going to explode. This buffet looks extremely nice! I wish the buffets around here were this nice...



verb \ˈwān\

To decrease in size, extent, or degree.

Everytime I take a bite of my burger it wanes. This isn't really my burger & honestly I don't think I could of ate this, the meat looks too undercooked. Ewwww.



noun \ˈsä-v(ə-)rən, -vərn also ˈsə-\

One possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty.

The King is a sovereign to his country... or in this case Burger King?




To gape or stare stupidly.

These two guys are gawkers. They obviously are looking at fine women and they just couldn't help but stare.



noun \pä-ˈster-ə-tē\

All future generations.

Michael Jordan was the greatest basketball player EVER! Nobody could stop him. He led the Chicago Bulls to 6 championships. Posterity will remember him as the greatest basketball player of ALL TIME.



noun \ˈper-ə-ˌdäks, ˈpa-rə-\

A statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true.

As an actor, he's a paradox—he loves being in the public eye but also deeply values and protects his privacy. Seth Green is the MAN!

P.S. Sorry I couldn't post the video up, but there is the link. :)



verb \ˈnə-lə-ˌfī\

To make of no value or consequence.

This play by Luol Deng from the Chicago Bulls led to 2 points but sadly he commited an offensive foul on Lebron James and it nullified the shot.